How to Create the Perfect Tablescape….. and make your guests feel loved

How to Create the Perfect Tablescape….. and make your guests feel loved

So, number one, a fabulous tablescape doesn’t necessarily involve going out and buying loads of new stuff although it is lovely to refresh what you have with some new napkins or a fabulous tablecloth, or just add a pop of colour with some dinner candles (I have plenty to choose from at the shop!)

Beautifully set tables: Not an origami napkin in sight

Do you think about your table and how it's going to look when you're expecting guests over for a meal?  It doesn't take a moment to produce something really special if you've got a decent set of napkins and perhaps a tablecloth or runner at home (washed and ironed of course).  The next thing (that really makes the table) are the little touches.  Here's one I prepared earlier........